Sunday, May 25, 2014

Camping at Clinton Lake

Ollie, Penny and I went out to Lawrence to camp with Mimi and PopPop. Aunt B and fam came too! 
Penny liked Aunt B's tent but we slept in the new camper. It was nice and cozy. 
I asked her to smile. This was down some crazy steps by the campsite. We stayed in the state park - it was very nice and clean.
Tye-dye crew. 
We checked out the beach which also had about a half mile of crazy steps. 
Ollie and Lo even got a Lego set from Mimi of a CAMPER!  You spoil them, Mimi!
In the morning, we went to the marina and fed the carp. They were as big as Penny and we fed them fruit loops. 
Ahoy there, captains drinking slushy swamp water. 
Finally I released a bullfrog I raised from a tadpole with my class. It was tramatic for Penny - she wanted to keep him. Also for Lolo - he jumped on her seconds after this picture. 
Finally we watched dog coursing. Not pictured.  Running dogs, like whippets, chased a bag that they thought was a rabbit on a wild curvy course. It reminded me that we need a dog. 
All in all, a super fun time. 

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