Sunday, February 10, 2013

Penny's 1st Birthday Party

 Our darling, Penny, had her first birthday party yesterday at Grammy and PopPop's house.  She loved being the center of attention.  Her favorite presents were by far the electric toothbrush JJ got her and her new lounge chair that Aunt B got her. 
 The meal included the Penny favorites of mac and cheese, kale chips, tortilla chips, and CAKE. 

 Penny's toothbrush is her favorite toy, so we had one of my former students make her a toothbrush cake. 

Daddy and I tag teamed to make Penny's bunny candle holder (Wes) and mini carrot cake (me).  She loved to play in the icing more than eat it.  More Penny facts coming soon!

1 comment:

2 Girls With Curls said...

We love Penny Bear!! Happy birthday sweet girl!