Friday, February 22, 2013

Penny is One Year Old!

Our girl is offically a one-year-old.  She has grown so much just in the last month.  She suddenly understands English and has about 30-50 words including Ollie (Ahh-dd-ee), ball, teeth (teef), no, yes, eat, and a whole lot more.  She says please for everything, even if we already said no.  The other day, she wanted a cutie orange.  She handed me the orange and said "ball.....out".  Meaning peel this for me, Mom.  She loved JJ's dog Bo, and still sees puppy pictures and says "bo".  She doesn't like baby food anymore and always wants to feed herself.  She is still a Mommy's girl and often throws huge fits when I have to leave for work or just go to the bathroom.  We don't have the kitchen gate up, because she never leaves my side.  She is a bit naughty, and likes to get ahold of things she knows she shouldn't.  Then, she laughs or smiles and runs.  Penny loves to sing and dance.  She loves her family most of all, and we love our Penny-bear. 

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