Monday, March 3, 2014

Penny sayings

I forgot to include some of Penny's favorite sayings to her two year old post. "Me my turn"
"Don't keep me safe" this she says in regards to me helping her down the steps. 
"I do it" especially when getting dressed 
"Ollie do it"
"Sit by Mommy"
When we wake up in the morning, Penny likes to play Do This. This game entails Penny making a shape with her hands and then I copy it.  She must also slide down my legs every morning to get out of bed. 
Did I mention she likes to dress herself?
Mixy, mixy, mix. Penny helps make cranberry fluff. 
Penny is a doll. Her sentences get longer and longer everyday. Right now she is at about 6 word sentences. Smart cookie!

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