Wednesday, January 22, 2014

More Pictures of our Trip to French Lick, IN

 Mark and Peggy were so kind to let us invade their house for our vacation.  We had an awesome time.  Above, Ollie and Penny are playing with Peggy's story cubes.

 This is our dog Leesie (little fox).  Unfortunately, Peggy also thinks he is her dog.  We had to leave him in French Lick, but we will come back to visit.

 Before our first ride down the slopes.  

 Wes and Tyler spent some time together exploring a cave on Mark and Peggy's property.  The cave is over a mile long, but I am not sure the boys explored that far.  They did get very dirty crawling through tight spaces.  Below, Peggy's father, Lindy, walk Wes down to the cave.

 Peggy's downstairs is Penny's heaven.  Under the steps is a tiny Penny-size closet with a play kitchen and babies.  Peggy also has a cage full of song birds and tons of plants.  Penny was ready to move in!
 Peggy and Ollie
 Ollie picking his nose and Penny crying.  Just a funny picture.  Are you sure you want us to come back, Peggy?

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