Sunday, January 26, 2014

On our run

Ollie has been jogging with me lately. He can go about a mile and a half. Then he is ready to get a drink. Today we ran and stopped to laugh at this scene. 
You might need to zoom in to see the tiny teacup dog in the bottom right corner. 

Zoo Day

With the weather being so nice for one day, we headed to the zoo. We thought everyone would have the same idea, but we had the place mostly to ourselves. 
Penguins were our favorite!  
The tigers were both active and very close to the fence. They thought Penny looked delicious. 
One naughty gibbon. He knew I was taking his picture. 
After the zoo!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Penny can ski

With help from Mark. 

School pics

The director of Penny and Ollie's school sent these pictures. Ollie is practicing songs for music. Penny had Jammie day. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

More Pictures of our Trip to French Lick, IN

 Mark and Peggy were so kind to let us invade their house for our vacation.  We had an awesome time.  Above, Ollie and Penny are playing with Peggy's story cubes.

 This is our dog Leesie (little fox).  Unfortunately, Peggy also thinks he is her dog.  We had to leave him in French Lick, but we will come back to visit.

 Before our first ride down the slopes.  

 Wes and Tyler spent some time together exploring a cave on Mark and Peggy's property.  The cave is over a mile long, but I am not sure the boys explored that far.  They did get very dirty crawling through tight spaces.  Below, Peggy's father, Lindy, walk Wes down to the cave.

 Peggy's downstairs is Penny's heaven.  Under the steps is a tiny Penny-size closet with a play kitchen and babies.  Peggy also has a cage full of song birds and tons of plants.  Penny was ready to move in!
 Peggy and Ollie
 Ollie picking his nose and Penny crying.  Just a funny picture.  Are you sure you want us to come back, Peggy?

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Ginny's birthday

We got to celebrate Ginny's birthday with her this weekend. JJ made fried chicken, mashed potatoes, chocolate cake and more.  Good delicious fun!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Treasure hunt

We were in Oklahoma for the weekend. Popcorn took us metal detecting in an old ghost town. Popcorn's friend, Big Dan, found a silver spoon, several silver quarters, and a box full of old coins. Our treasure is pictured. It was still fun. 

Story by Penny

Most nights I lie with the kids and tell them a story before they fall asleep. The other night Penny treated Ollie and I to a story of her own.  Here it is:
Once upon a time, there was a tiny girl named Penny. And a tiny Daddy named Daddy. And a tiny mommy named a Mommy. And a tiny Ollie named Ollie. And the the moon named Blurp-ped (phonetically spelled - I'm not sure what name she wanted).  They lived in a tiny tree. The end!
I wish I had a recording of it. Her voice was so cute. Ollie and I both started laughing when she was done.  

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Ski trip family photo

Thanks to the generosity of Wes's parents and their good friends, Mark and Peggy, we got to go SKIING!  We spend 5 days in French Lick, IN and stayed with Mark and Peggy.  We had the time of our lives.  Mark works at Paoli Peaks.  Ollie can really ski!  In fact, we decided he needed a helmet, because he was going so fast.  He did the bunny slopes on the first day.  Then, he and I did the Cake Walk about 25 times one night during night skiing.  On our last day skiing, he went down the family trail slowly with his Dad and Uncle Tyler, but soon was going down just as fast (if not faster) as they ski.  Penny skied, too!  She used some special skis and poles that Mark got for her.  I hope to have video soon!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Christmas Eve

 We had Christmas Eve at Mimi and PopPop's house.  The kids couldn't stand it, so we opened a few presents.

 I made all the kids monster hooded towels.  They turned out okay for my first big project on my new sewing machine.  The sewing machine was a present for me from Mimi!
 Ollie, PopPop, Lolo, Daddy, and (maybe) Uncle Jeff got tickets to Monster Jam at the Sprint Center in February.  The package included the Grave Digger and some earplugs.

Snow Pics

 We have had a lot of snow, but I haven't posted any pictures.  Here are a few cute ones from a few weeks ago.

Christmas Program

 Ollie had a Christmas Program back in late December.  He was so cute!  We didn't get any good pictures because it was so crowded, and we sat far away.  Above are a few nice ones of Lolo and Penny - they are waiting for the program to start.  Ollie practiced his songs, and sang a few at home for us.  His best school buddy, Jack, is next to him on the risers in red.  I was worried they would be squirrely, but they did great!