Sunday, September 8, 2013

Penny's 18 Months

Pennybear is a year and a half!  She is 100% her own person.  Her favorite saying is "memy turn".  She loves playing hide and seek with Ollie and only cheats a little.  Her independence is blooming everyday.  She is blond which is a surprise to us.  Her eyes are still blue with a hint of green.  Faves:
Food is French fries or noodles.
Book is The Eyebook by Dr. Suess.
Show is Curious George.
Toy is anything brother has.
Outside game is cozy coupe or running races.
Teeth brushing is still a daily highlight for Penny.  She still loves to sing and dance.  She is such a silly happy girl.  We are so lucky to have our birdie!

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