Monday, August 8, 2011


You might have already noticed!


Grammy B said...

I am happy.... Love being a grammy....

Kerr Family said...

That is awesome that you took a video of this moment. Ollie's reaction is so cute! I can't wait to meet the next Wedman. :)

JJ said...

We are so excited. Our little buddy is going to be a big brother. Love you all four.

2 Girls With Curls said...

Ollie is going to be the best big brother! I'm so excited! What is the name of your new blog going to be? .....:) Love you!

Stacy and Jeremy said...

I should check your blog more often!!! Congratulations!!! I'm so excited for you guys. You already have so much love in your family, and this will simply add more. Love you.