Thursday, October 10, 2013

Ren Fest with the Benbens

 The Benbens were in town last weekend for a visit and to go to the Renaissance Festival.  It rained all morning, but luckily the rain cleared out.  It was good, muddy fun. 
 June was not into watching the joust, but she was into messing with her aunt!  Junie bug does love me. 
 Watching the Joust Battle - Lolo has on her butterfly wings. 

 Cool bald eagle!
Riding the swings that are powered by human teenagers. 

 Walking stick bug I found on the Ye Old concession stand. 

 Ollie and Lennon on the dragon swing (again powered by teenage boy).
 Ollie and his mom pretending they know how to do archery - we didn't even hit the target. 

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