Monday, May 20, 2013

Plastic Burger!

The other day, Wes stuck Ollie's hot dog in one of Penny's plastic buns from her Cookie Monster kitchen.  He didn't notice until he tried to take a bite.  He said, "this must be an old bun."  So, Lolo spent the night last weekend and O thought this would be a great time to get Daddy back.  He "made" him a burger, and had it all ready to go when Daddy got home from subbing.  Good one, Ollie!


  1. He has become quite accustomed to those old buns you're always feeding him :) That is hillarious

  2. I just love checking in and reading what's going on with you guys. :-) (Even more than that, I'd love to see you in person. One of these days. sigh.)
