Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Pumpkin Patch Buddies

While Aunt B was in labor, I took the kids on their first field trip to Johnson's Pumpkin Farm with their classes.  It was COLD!  It topped out at 45 degrees and no one was dressed warm enough, but we still had a great time.  Penny and PopPop attended as well.  I did not take more than this picture, because I had Penny strapped to me and Lolo's hands in my pockets.  This is when the kids are getting their instructions.  In between Ollie and Lolo are their 2 best friends, Addie and Treyton.  Ollie has truely bonded to Treyton (which is why he likes school now).  He said to me the other day - "Mommy, I am so glad Treyton is real." 
PS - Lolo and Addie look alike, dress alike, talk alike, but Addie doesn't like witches and Lo does!

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