Monday, October 29, 2012

Ollie is 4!!!!

Our little guy turned 4 on Oct. 3rd.  He was unhappy for this photo shoot, but thought it was funny when he said he was five.  Ollie is a very loving, happy boy, and we are so lucky.  He knows almost all his letters and their sounds.  He can write his name, Lolo's name, and almost Penny.  He loves to read, draw, dance, and WATCH TV.  His favorite show right now is Lost in Space (the 1960's sci-fi comedy).  He is still in the 90+ percentiles for height and weight.  His favorite foods are mac and cheese, broccoli, grilled cheese, and anything sweet.  His favorite songs are David Bowie's Major Tom and Life on Mars, and the Beatles Magical Mystery Tour and I am the Walrus.  Ollie got a record player for his birthday (AWESOME).  He had a great birthday party.  Pictures coming soon. 

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