Monday, July 30, 2012


Ollie had his first trip to the dentist today.  We were so worried because his teeth are flat from grinding them in his sleep.  I didn't even think about cavities!  He has four!  We have to cut back on the milk and brush after every meal.  We go back in a few weeks to get them filled.  I will let you know how it goes.  (The doc says there is nothing you can do about teeth grinding in a preschooler!)


  1. Sorry Buddy. I got to go too. Double drats!

  2. Bummer! I just went and had 1 cavity and the start of 9 more! (all between my teeth). So the next day, I went out and bought a bag of those little flossers for kids and every night, the girls use the flossers before brushing. My theory is that if I make it a habit while they're young, it will be a normal routine, like washing hands after using the bathroom. Good luck, Ollie! I'm sure he'll do great!
