Monday, February 28, 2011

Peace Out February!

This has been a LONG month for our house. Ollie has been in and out of the doctors too many times to count. We now suspect that he might be allergic to more than eggs. The stomach flu got all 3 of us. I had a surgery on an abdominal tumor - super fun. Wes's parked car was hit by a neighbor's friend. It was going to be a hit and run, but our trusty (nosey) neighbor, Patty, came to our rescue. The weather has been the pits! We are ready for fresh spring and fresh starts. Without our families' help this last month, we would be toast! Thank you so much JJ, Ginny, Grammy b, Pop Pop, Aunt B, Uncle Jeff, Lolo, GAK, and EVERYONE. We love you all!

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