Sunday, October 10, 2010

$102 Carrot Extraction

Well, we have discovered that we should listen to Ollie, because he speaks the truth. On Friday, he told his teacher that he put a carrot up his nose. She let us know and said that she did not see anything up there. We assumed he had put one in there and pulled it out. Later, we asked him about it. He said that the carrot was still up there. We looked and saw nothing. After a discussion with Nurse Aunt B, we decided to look again with a flashlight. Sure enough, there was a carrot up there. It was a 10:00 pm before it was removed in the ER. $100 copay and $2 parking. Unfortunatly, the doc said he is very likely to do it again. Yikes! Live and learn. Coming soon pictures and video of his second b-day!

1 comment:

  1. Oh man! If it makes you feel any better, I had to have a bead removed from my nose around age three. I also had a relative who stuck a bean up his nose, and it started sprouting. For real. It may cost dollars now, but it will provide priceless storytelling for years!
