Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Strawberry pickin' - Kerr style

 Strawberry-fest with the Kerrs was a blast.  We ate too many and didn't pick enough.  We plan to go back and attack their blueberry fields as well.  Ollie's favorite part was when Olive was in a puddle and refused to move.  He felt like a super hero when he "rescued" her.  Penny's fav is pictured below:

 I think we have the white hats covered.  Below is post-strawberry binge.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Lolo's 4th birthday

 Penny and PopPop hanging out before the party started.  
 Lo with her buddies opening presents.  
 Smash that princes,s Ollie and Penny!  She is full of candy!  

 Ollie with cousins, Colby and Logan.  Ollie and Logan were dressed alike.  They had a blast "being boys" while the girls enjoyed the princess day.
Penny and Mommy eating cake.  Penny has a toothbrush painted on her face.  Ollie got a Skeletor from Daddy painted on his hand - not pictured.

Oklahoma (late May)

 We had some MAJOR issues with our computer, and eventually it had to be wiped clean.  That is why everything I am posting is older.  Here are pics from our first summer visit to JJ's and Popcorn's house.  We had a stellar trip to the Tulsa Zoo with Ginny, but we didn't have our camera battery (argh).
 Cuddling after swimming in the chilly backyard pool.  
 Rain Penny.  She would be outside in a hailstorm if we let her.  She loved playing in the rain.  

 Reading with JJ.  

Last Days of School

Ollie and his best buddy, Treyton, had to say goodbye.  Treyton is off to kindergarten and Ollie is going back to Bethany Lutheran.  Ollie told me he will miss his teacher, Miss Emilee, and his classroom, but he will miss Treyton most of all.

 Ollie's last day just happened to be field day.  Here he is with his buddies.

 Ollie's classroom pet, Bubba, will be missed the most by Penny.  She LOVED him.