Monday, May 20, 2013

Plastic Burger!

The other day, Wes stuck Ollie's hot dog in one of Penny's plastic buns from her Cookie Monster kitchen.  He didn't notice until he tried to take a bite.  He said, "this must be an old bun."  So, Lolo spent the night last weekend and O thought this would be a great time to get Daddy back.  He "made" him a burger, and had it all ready to go when Daddy got home from subbing.  Good one, Ollie!

Painting on the Porch

 Note the small glob of paint on the cheek near the mouth......hmmmm.

 Use the brush, Penny!  Her hands are cute - even covered in paint. 

Camping with Mimi & PopPop

We had a nearly perfect camping experience with Mimi and PopPop at Clinton lake last weekend.  We pitched a tent behind their camper, roasted wienies and marshmallows, and enjoyed nature.  All was well, until we tried to sleep.  Some creature (wild hog?  raccoon?  Big Foot?) started scratching at our tent and growling/snarling.  We had to call PopPop to come out of the camper to see what was trying to eat our family.  Of course the creature scampered into the night at the sound of PopPop, but it returned every 20 minutes to wake us.  Wes would shake the tent and yell.  We were tired in the morning, but still had a good time. 

Super Star Student

Ollie got to be the Star of the Week last week at preschool.  Some Ollie facts:
Favorite food: Mac & Cheese (duh)
Favorite animal: the Ox (?)
Favorite Movie: Any Scooby Doo
Favorite Color: yellow
Pets Sister: Penny
What do you want to be when you grow up: Gym Teacher

Ollie only has 2 more days at Johnson County Montessori.  We are switching back to his old preschool at Bethany Lutheran in the fall.  He will miss his best pal Treyton.

Paint with Water

Penny Post

Our PenPen turned 15 months. I cannot believe how the time flies. She is still in love with her brother, so I am glad they will be at the same school next year. She says Ollie? every morning before she gets out of bed. She always has to know where he is and what he is doing. Some Penny facts:
- she loves to dance and listen to any type of music.
- Mac and cheese, any berries, fries, and broccoli are her favorite foods.
- she loves animals, the zoo is always a hit. Bo (JJ's dog) is Pen's buddy. She likes to put kibble into his kennel one at a time.
- Penny has lots of words (probably over 100). She threw an epic fit because she refused to say please, even though she says it all the time. She knows all her farm animal sounds, some opposites, and puts many words together. " I want to wear that" is her longest sentence so far.
- favorites: bunnies, Hello Goodbye by the Beatles, trying on shoes, wrestling, drawing, making a mess, eating crayons or pencil erasers, In Out Up Down Sesame Street book, and OUTSIDE.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Disney On-Ice

 Before the show, waiting in the will-call line.  Ollie was unaware at this moment that this was a princess show.  We just had to walk in and see the merchandising for him to figure it out.  He loved it anyway!
 We had 3rd row seats thanks to Andrew Winkelbauer (my teaching partner's husband).  He also upgraded Wes and I's seats for Fleetwood Mac.  He is my lastest hero!
 Post-thirteen dollar cotton candy overload!
 The Beast
Ahhh Ahhh Ahhh Ariel (Lo's Favorite!)

Popcorn Balls as big as our HEADS!

 We went to Velvet Creme for their Saturday free kid's popcorn ball making class.  No one would wear a hairnet but me.  Penny made a ball shaped popcorn ball, and Ollie made a zombie island - complete with popcorn zombies and sprinkles.