Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Home with a sleeping Penny...Ahhhh!  Christmas pics coming soon.  No Christmas cards this year...way too busy.  Sorry everybody!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Belated Pics

Ollie's 5 year old interview:
Favorite color - yellow, orange, red, and black
Favorite food - still mac and cheese and hot dogs
Free time activity - watching TV (although his mom would say that his new passion is crafts, but TV was his answer)
What he wants to be when he grows up - a gym teacher
Favorite toy - Ollie didn't have an answer for this - all of them

Our buddy has grown so much in our 5 years together.  He is truly a kid now.  He loves to play with his friends at school, and often says he wishes it was a school day.  He loves to be with his family and is a bit of a worry wart.  He is funny and loving.  He wants so badly to be a big kid and do what big kids do.  I can't convince him to stay little.  He is a super big brother and an all around great kid!

Penny's interview:
She and I often lay in bed and interview each other.  She likes for me to ask questions that she has answers to.
Favorite color - blue
Favorite food - candy
Favorite game - hide and seek
Favorite animal - giraffe (very serious about the giraffe love)
What does she want to be when she grows up? - unknown
What do you like to do at school? - crafts

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Oklahoma trip and Erica visit

 Helping Popcorn unload some wood for their new outdoor fireplace.  Ollie was into this manly task!

 Tyler had his 30th birthday while we were there.  Happy Birthday, Ty!
Erica came and stayed at our house for a few days last weekend.  Ollie and Penny had a blast playing Zombies vs. Plants with her.  She got a Monopoly game, and taught Ollie to play.  I loved Monopoly as a kid, so I hope he will, too.

Thursday, November 14, 2013


 Is it just me or does this pic above look like an album cover?

 We tried a photo shoot of magician and his white rabbit, but the kids were not as into it as mom and dad.

Pumpkin Patch

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Fall Photo Shoot

We had a photographer take the kids' pictures for fall and maybe Christmas cards.  Here a few good ones. 

Pumpkin Carving

Swimmy Penny

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Happy Halloween Preview!

New Swing Set!

Thanks Mimi and PopPop!

5 year old BIRTHDAY PARTY!

 Ollie chose the theme of cavemen and dinosaurs for his birthday party.  This is the first year we decided to have a friend party.  Ollie loves mini-golf, so we went to Mission Bowl for a round of miniature golf.  Wes and I made his volcano cake. 

 Ollie had several friends and family come.  Hannah Kerr is pictured below (and a tiny bit of Lolo). 
 Here are Jack and his dad.  Jack is Ollie's best buddy at Bethany Lutheran Preschool.  They are only 2 days apart!
 Here is Hazel Neff (August's sister) - man, she is cute! 

 We had a piñata for the cavemen (and cavewomen) to beat.  That dino was surprisingly tough. 
Get after that dinosaur Auggie! 
 We had a tar pit full of squishy bath.  The kids had to hunt for toy dinosaurs in the "tar".  Everyone chose to wear the rubber gloves except Penny and Evie. 
 Ollie loved his party, presents, and games with his friends!!!!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Hoot & Howls at the Zoo

 We went to the zoo last weekend for the Hoots and Howls October-fest fun.  Lolo, June, and Uncle Jeff came with us - which made it REALLY fun. 
 June and Penny are going to be best buddies.  June likes to attack hug Pen. 

 Giant zoo animal mural painting.  It had rained the day before so the mural was almost fresh for us. 
 No one was into the huge penguin or lion.  No high fives for you!

 Pet a goat and hear a story - what could be better!  It was a nice day and no Africa (for those unfamiliar with the KC zoo, Africa is really far away and LONG) - Hooray!