Friday, November 25, 2011

Trip to Hutch

Last weekend, we went out to Hutchinson for cousin Erica's birthday.  GAK and Vince took us to the Cosmosphere which was REALLY cool.  Cousin Chris and his future wife, Terica, ask Ollie to be a ring bearer at their wedding.  Ollie is unsure about weddings, but once he sees Erica everything will be great!  Thanks for the great weekend!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

School Pictures

Here are 2 of Ollie's school pictures.  We liked all the pictures he took and ordered the cd.  We will send out some copies to everyone asap.  Check out his pictures for spring 2010.   He is a little happier this time!

St. Louis Trip

Aunt B, Lolo, Ollie and I went to St. Louis to visit our friends the Benbens.  Their son, Lennon, is 6 and their daughter, Elizabeth, is almost 3, so they make perfect playmates.  We went to the Magic House - which was the coolest science-based kids museum I have ever been to.  Leslie bought the kids matching outfits which Ollie adores, because he gets to dress like Lennon.