Friday, July 29, 2011

Camp Aunt B Playdough Party

In an effort to keep things interesting, the toddlers and I made and cooked playdough. Ollie and Lolo were wonderful listeners and chefs. They made pink (Foofa-color) and green (Brobee-color). Lolo insists that all colors are related to Yo Gabba Gabba, her favorite show. Ollie and Lo frequently fight about whether or not something can be Muno-something. For example, we had green spoons with lunch. Lolo said they were Brobee spoons, Ollie says no they are just green spoons. It is a complicated matter.

****This is my 200th post! I really need to get a blog book made.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Blueberry Picking (kinda)

We went to the Berry Patch in south Overland Park for some fun in the sun. Ollie, Lolo, Aunt B, Grammy, PopPop, Ginny, G-ma JJ, and I all endured the heat to pick a grand total of 3/4 pound of super sour blueberries. This is not a reflection on the Berry Patch, but the weather and the birds. We went into the store to purchase some goodies and bought 5 pounds of blueberries (from Michigan). It was the experience of picking the berries ourselves that matters - right?

Ollie's first movie

We went out to the Legends to see Ollie's first movie in a theater. He LOVED it - we saw Winnie the Pooh. It was the perfect length (60 min.) and it was a small theater (so not scary). He brought his Pooh to see it with him.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Baseball Bliss

After cake, we all headed out to the Royals stadium to see the boys in blue win againist the TB Rays. The game was very exciting and went into an extra inning. Ollie tried all night to get himself on the JumboTron, but it was Wes that was featured during the Haircut cam on the GIANT screen. Wes is now worried that he has a joke haircut, because he was inbetween a lady with crazy spikey hair and a guy that looked like ZZ Top. We have tried to reassure him that his haircut is cool not crazy. We had a wonderful time even though it was very hot. Thanks Uncle Dick and Aunt Ginny for a Super fun evening!

Happy Birthday JJ

Grandma JJ celebrated her birthday yesterday with us and Great Aunt Ginny and Uncle Dick. Ollie got to pick out her cake and ate a HUGE piece.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Party, Party, Party!

The day after the HP party, Ollie was invited to go to a friend b-day party. Zane, the son of a co-worker, just turned 4 and had his party at Chuck E Cheese. Ollie thought it was the best place ever! Zane's mom made a robot cupcake-cake. He thought the whole experience was pretty sweet!

RIP Voldemort

Last Saturday, we went to our last Harry Potter Party at the Krause House (click link to read article about Sarah and fam). It was filled with magical fun. The kids got to make wands, get lightning bolt tattoos, win a prize in a wind machine, and eat WAY TOO MANY treats. But it was for more than the kids, Wes, Beth and I had our fortunes read. I found out that soon I will be granted the gift of total truth, and I will be able to tell with others lie to me. I think this gift of a BS detector was bestowed upon me right at the moment of my psychic reading. Anyway, Ollie's mom will miss HP and Voldemort the most. It was a fun decade!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Rainforest Exploration

Today, we went with my friend Stacy and her kids, Auggie and Hazel, to Crown Center to explore the new Rainforest exibit. They had lots of different games to play, books to read, a coloring center, but Ollie's favorite was a microscope with different rainforest slides like snake skin and bird feathers. We enjoyed the wonderful world of Fritz's for lunch afterwards. Fun was had by all! PS - I think Ollie might be in love with baby Hazel.
Here is Ollie putting together a bridge made out of faux wood.

Farmer's Market

Last Saturday, Ollie, Wes, and I went to the City Market Farmer's Market to get some yummy treats (kettle corn) and some veggies to pickle. There was a small petting zoo set up, and Ollie liked the bunnny best. It was VERY crowded, and none of us cared for the extreme close-ness of all the people. We had fun trying all the different fruits and veg. There was a bag piper outside the market playing songs for money. Ollie told us "I don't like those naughty hoots" as we walked passed him. We finished off our field trip at Louis and Clark Look Out statue. Ollie likes Sacagawea and her baby Pomp.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Camp Aunt B 2011

Whose toes are those? G-ma JJ gave one pedicure, and Aunt B gave the other. Which is Ollie? Which is Lolo?

Sky Lantern

In Oklahoma, GAK told us about a firework called a sky lantern. It is like a tiny hot air balloon with a flamable cloth wick and a paper (flame resistant) balloon. I found some at a fireworks stand in Claremore, OK and had to try it. We tried the first night, but it was too windy. The second night we launched 2 with great success. They go very far (several miles) and last a long time. It is VERY shocking that they are legal. I predict that next year they will be banned. But they were cool to try!

Oklahoma for the 4th

After Wes got out of the hospital, we decided to go to Oklahoma, so he could recoup. GAK, Erica, and Vince came down, too. We did a lot of fireworks. Ollie's favorites were the parachutes, smoke bombs, dragon snappers, snakes, and clown cones. He had so much fun playing with Erica. He woke up everyone morning we were there and whispered "is Erica still here?"

Poor Daddy

After Ollie and I got home from the zoo, we had an urgent message from Wes. He was at the ER with a kidney stone. He had driven himself to the doctor and then driven himself to the hospital. He was in the hospital for 3 days and had surgery to remove the stone. He is not 100% yet, but feeling much better than before his ER trip.

Zoo and a Shoe

Last week, we went with the Kerrs to the zoo. It was a HOT day, but we still had a great time. Ollie and Hannah got to ride in the swanky zoo stroller. It was their own personal hide-out. We also picked up Lolo's shoe from the lost and found - lost on our previous zoo trip in which she lost it on the African swing. There were no zebra bites included - Drats.