Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Packages

This week, we got Easter packages from Dick and Ginny, Grandma Barb and Grandpa Jerry, and Grandpa Jeff and JJ. Easter toys, a chick Pez dispenser, a bike-riding Easter bunny, grow your own Easter bunny, white chocolate peanut clusters, rice crispy Easter bunnies, jelly beans, and tiny erasers! When we opened JJ's package, Wes asked if Ollie wanted to open a rice crispy egg - Ollie said "let's save those for Christmas". He then tore into the big chocolate rice crispy bunny! Sugar High, Ollie!

Baby Olive and Ollie

Our friends, the Kerrs, had a new baby girl this week. They named her Olive. This was slightly confusing for Ollie, but he met her and fell in love. He had a bunch of fun with Hannah Kerr who just turned two and her dad, Steve (Ollie's favorite Kerr).

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Let's Go Fly a Kite

The Easter bunny brought Ollie a Buzz Lightyear kite. He was so excited we went to the park to try it out. It works great! Ollie is a natural. There was another little boy trying to fly his much bigger and nicer Buzz Lightyear kite, but he was not having any luck. Our Buzz soared for quite some time!!

Easter Egg Hunt

We went to Grammy PopPop's to have an early Easter. Ollie and Lolo had a blast finding eggs and opening baskets. Thanks Easter Bunny!