Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pumpkin Patch Again

We went on our annual journey to Lawrence for the Shaake's Pumpkin patch fun. Ollie really enjoyed it this year. Last year's trip was SUPER cold. He had so much fun on the slides, the maze, in the field, and looking at the chickens - he could have cared less about buying a pumpkin.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Two Years Old

Ollie had his 2 year appointment last week. He is almost 30 lbs. The nurse asked me how many words he spoke. My reply was a lot. She asked more than 50? For sure. His doctor was so in love with Ollie that she asked to take him home. His current favorites are his big Bullseye and Woody, mac and cheese, drawing on big paper, Halloween books, fingerplays, his inflatable pirate Mickey, and SCHOOL!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Second B-Day in OK

Ollie turned 2 on Oct. 3rd. We celebrated in Oklahoma with G-ma JJ, G-pa Jeff, Dick and Ginny, AuntBLoloUncleJeff (one word), and Grammy and PopPop. It was wonderful weather and a super fun time. Ollie got so many toys - I think we need a new house. His theme was Toy Story which he picked out. Thank you for hosting Granma JJ and Granpa Jeff and thanks to everyone for coming. Ollie says "oh no, my birfday over. I sad."

Sunday, October 10, 2010

$102 Carrot Extraction

Well, we have discovered that we should listen to Ollie, because he speaks the truth. On Friday, he told his teacher that he put a carrot up his nose. She let us know and said that she did not see anything up there. We assumed he had put one in there and pulled it out. Later, we asked him about it. He said that the carrot was still up there. We looked and saw nothing. After a discussion with Nurse Aunt B, we decided to look again with a flashlight. Sure enough, there was a carrot up there. It was a 10:00 pm before it was removed in the ER. $100 copay and $2 parking. Unfortunatly, the doc said he is very likely to do it again. Yikes! Live and learn. Coming soon pictures and video of his second b-day!