Friday, February 27, 2009

Sicky Ollie

Ollie has been a sick boy these last few days. He went to the doctor and has RSV. He has his own baby nebulizer with a cute fish face mask, but he still looks pathetic. He is slowly getting better. We hope he can get back to his rolling over workout schedule in the next few days. Poor Ollie!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

New Videos!

Ollie has 4 new videos. He was so excited he decided to take a nap. ZZZZzzzz!

Old pictures

Hi everyone! We found the cord for the camera - finally. Here are some pics that should have gone on the blog a long time ago. Ollie is getting so big. He can almost roll over, getting closer to sitting up, and loves cereal. We should be adding some new video soon.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

First Cereal

Ollie tried his first bites of cereal today, after the doc told us it is time for him to sleep through the night. We will post pictures of his doctor trip and 4 month birthday as soon as we find the cord to the camera. At least we didn't lose Ollie. Yum cereal!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Picture Time

We went for Ollie's first photo shoot. He was such a good boy that Mommy had to buy a lot of pictures. Oh, Ollie!