Monday, December 14, 2009

Ollie Sledding

Our snow is gone, but here is Ollie "sledding" at Grammy and Poppy's house. It is really more like being dragged around, but he loves it.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Love Bite?!?

Well, Ollie had his first kiss - NO! He got bit today at Mother's Day Out. We are thinking of suing, but might just settle out of court. His teacher said he cried, but it is not bothering him now. But wiping his nose is the most tramatic thing anyone can do to Ollie at the current moment. Someone bit my baby on the face, ARGH!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Ollie was so excited about the snow - we let him go play in it at night. It didn't start snowing until about 6:30. He thought the snow was the best thing ever. Hopefully, it will still be there tomorrow to play in!

Sunday, November 15, 2009


We just found out Ollie is very allergic to eggs. He had a rash after eating eggs at Auntie B's a week or so ago. This week we tried some scrabbled eggs and this happened. He was not upset, but his parents were nervous that he would get worse. We are going to keep eggs out of the diet until he is older. His dad is very depressed about cookies and cake (his mom views that as a bright side). Poor Ollie!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Photo Shoot

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Halloween and a Haircut

Big day for Ollie yesterday. He went and got his first haircut in the morning and went trick-or-treating with Lotus for the first time at night. He liked getting candy better. Looks like a little man with his new haircut and the cutest Yoda ever!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pumpkin Carving year 2

Ollie carved his second pumpkin with his dad yesterday. He had more fun putting the pumpkin top back on and sucking on the spoon than scooping out any guts. He didn't seem to remember his previous pumpkin carving experience - maybe next year.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


No, I don't hate fall. I just don't like it when I want to go play and Mommy wants to take my picture. I am too busy for such nonsense.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Ollie had a playdate with Sophia (20 mos) last week. She is a sibling of one of my former students, Coleman. We had a blast playing with all their cool stuff. Ollie really liked the hugs Sophia gave him. Too CUTE!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Like Father like Son

Ollie learned to "play" arcade games with Daddy on Sunday. We went to Red Robin for Uncle Jeff's b-day, and had some extra time to play. Lucky for us, Ollie doesn't know that we didn't put any money in the machine. It is only a matter of time before the whining for quarters begins.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

BRRR! We went to the Pumpkin Patch in Lawrence. It was about 40 degrees and very windy. But Ollie still had fun looking at the ducks, pumpkins and other kids.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Super Fun - First Birthday

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One Year!

Ollie turned one year old on October 3rd. We had a family party in Oklahoma. Ollie's favorite part was not the presents or cake, but playing in the yard with the dogs. He is really walking now, and trying to run.
We went to the doctor on Monday. His stats have really changed. He is in the 86th percentile for height and the 60th for weight. He is tall and skinny. She said he looks "grossly normal and healthy".
Oh, how time flies!!

Aaron's Wedding

Here are a few pics of Ollie and Wes at Aaron and Laurel's Wedding in Lawrence. Wes was Aaron's best man. Ollie had a lot of fun grooving on the dance floor.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Harper, KS

Ollie and his parents went to Harper, KS for great grandpa's birthday this Labor day weekend. His aunt, GAK, taught him to drive a tractor. His cousin, Erica, showed him how to play on a playground. Too much fun!

11 months!


Saturday, August 29, 2009

Free Fun

Ollie is enjoying playing with everyday things the most. Here he is having a blast in a box and playing in the tub.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Ice Cream and Swimming!

Ollie has spent the last days of summer swimming in his baby pool, making ice cream with Daddy, and babysitting cousin Lotus. His is great at the first two activities, but lacks the ability to resist the urge to pinch poor Lotus. We have had the best summer ever. Monday, Wes and I start school with students. HoHum. I will miss my little buddy!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


10 months!

Ollie turned 10 months yesterday. Oh, how time flies. He is not walking yet, but he can stand on his own and walk around furniture. We still only have 2 teeth. He can say 4 words - Mama, Dada, Gidgy (our dog) and kitty. We have had a wonderful summer!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Quick Hello from the beach!

Ollie is having a blast at the Jersey shore. We will write all about his adventures when we get back.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

More Swim Class for Ollie

Ollie finished his 2 weeks of intensive swim lessons. He learned to float on his back (pictured here), float on his front, hold on to the wall, and monkey climb down the wall. We hope he will like the beach next week. We are headed to Jersey, and Ollie's first plane ride. AHHH!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Ollie's Swim Class

Ollie has been taking swimming class all week at the Prairie Pool. Basicly, he and daddy float around and sing songs. They are having a blast. Here are the highlights:

Ollie before swim class - working on his tan with 50 sunblock on.

In the pool!

Check out Ollie's muscles from his workout.

Passed out after coming home.